Breaking The internet made easy by Kim Kardashian

How many times do you have to do the same thing all over again and still breaks the internet. 

OOPS!! Amal Clooney flashes Skin

According to an eyewitness, Amal had "a couple" drinks over the course of the night and when the group made their way to their cars at evening’s end, the human rights lawyer -- who was "extremely loud and chatty" and "appeared to be tipsy" -- showed off a little more than she bargained for, accidentally flashing the paparazzi as she climbed into the car!

Kendel Jenner Steps without a bra

Throughout her time at Paris Fashion Week, Kendall Jenner has proven that she likes to keep things sheer. The supermodel was seen wearing yet another see-through item of clothing for Shiatzy Chen's runway show on Tuesday. Jenner went braless under a sheer pink shirt with delicate floral designs, paired with a metallic silver skirt and matching, lace-up shoes.

 The 19-year-old hasn't been shy about showing off her nipple ring, which she says she got during a "rough time." "Honestly, it hurt, but wasn’t as bad as everyone made it seem, and maybe because everyone hyped it up and I thought it would be really, really bad," she told the New York Post. "Then it wasn’t as bad as I expected."

Dbanj Shares koko Garri at ikeja Computer Village

The year 2015 Everything might be going well for the Nigerian Artist "Dbanj" he has been signing several endrosement, he was named the ambassador of the phone vendor "SLOT" yesterday , he was

Pictures from 2face fortyfied Concert

2Face Idibia's Fortyfied All-Star concert was held yesterday at the Eko Hotels & Suites to celebrate his 40th birthday. Here are some picture from the event, tuface's wife "Annie Idibia" looking radiant in this dress styped by Swant Jerry. More photos after the cut...

5 ways to get rich faster - Tony Robbins

Meet  Tony Robbins he is a Life coach, author, and multimillionaire, here his five tip to become a millionaire

It doesn't take financial wizardry or a winning lottery ticket to increase your net worth. A few smart moves could instantly make you richer.

In his new book, "Money: Master The Game," Tony Robbins shares five core strategies for achieving your financial goals faster.

Any one of them will put more cash on your personal balance sheet, but if you tackle several at once, "you'll be unstoppable," he says.

1. Save more and invest the difference.
Saving is not exactly sexy, but it's a highly effective strategy for growing your net worth. If you find a way to put more money aside and invest it smartly for compound growth, Robbins says you'll dramatically speed up your financial goals.

For those who feel they just can't squeeze any more out of their paychecks, he says it isn't as hard as it seems if you get creative.

For example, by making early principal payments on a traditional 30-year fixed-rate mortgage, you could pay off your home in half the time and spend almost 50% less.

2. Earn more and invest the difference.
One of the fastest ways to have more money is to make more. Robbins says the key to increasing your income is to become more valuable. Ask yourself: Are you in a company, location, and occupation where your skills are in demand? Does your compensation reflect the value you're providing, and is it time to ask for a raise or up your rates? Are there ways you can make additional income outside of your day job? If you commit to earning more, you will find a way, he says.

3. Reduce your fees and taxes, and invest the difference.
"It's not what you earn that matters, it's what you keep," Robbins says. Investing in high-cost mutual funds vs. low-cost index funds that mimic the performance of the entire stock market can cost you thousands of dollars over decades. He also notes that the average American spends more than half of their income on taxes (income tax, property tax, sales tax, etc.) in their lifetime.

Finding ways to reduce your investing fees and taxes will instantly put more money back in your pocket. One idea: Relocate to one of the seven states in the US — Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming — that doesn't have a state income tax.

4. Get better returns.

What's the difference between a 10% return and a 4% return? Robbins asks. A 10% return doubles your investment every 7.2 years, while a 4% return doubles every 18 years.
While many people think the secret to getting big returns is taking big risks, Robbins says highly successful investors look for asymmetric risk-reward, meaning big upside potential with little downside.

For instance, hedge-fund billionaire Paul Tudor Jones always looks for opportunities where if he risks $1, he thinks he can make $5.

5. Change your lifestyle.
You could make a big lifestyle change and move to a less expensive city or country (think Bali, Fiji, Costa Rica) today, says Robbins. Why wait for retirement? There are smaller lifestyle changes that could help you hold onto your cash, too.


13 ways to boost your relationship

You may have heard that long-term relationships eventually and inevitably become flat and boring. Many people believe this myth and expect this to occur to them. When they experience moments in which feelings of attraction, desire, or sexual excitement are not powerfully stimulating, they assume that the flame has gone out and that the future is bleak and uninspiring. Possessed by this expectation, many couples' relationships face a downward trajectory that often ends in separation or worse.

After several years, it's easy to take for granted what we used to appreciate. Couples might slide into just being roommates or business partners, or, if they are raising children, co-parents. While important, if those roles come to define the relationship, the vital component of being lovers can get squeezed out.

Here are 13 steps to steam Up your relationship.

1. Identify which person can help deepen intimacy. In most relationships, there is one partner who places a higher value than the other on romance--and it's not always the woman. Since this person is more likely to notice when the romance is fading, he or she has more power to introduce corrections to foster more closeness and playfulness. They are not solely responsibility for keeping an eye on things, but because of their awareness, they are more capable of influencing the depth of your connection.

2. Keep dating each other. Dates aren't exclusively for young lovers; they can be magic for couples who have been together for a while. Leaving the home provides a change of scenery and enlivens things for both partners. But staying home for a date can be fun, too; you can dinner by candlelight, for example. Consider making dates a regular feature of your relationship. They don't have to be limited to a few hours on an occasional evening; they can last an entire day, weekend, or longer.

3. Go on a second (or third) honeymoon. Honeymoons (without the kids, of course) aren't just for the newly married. Taking one every year is not too much. Lots of people (including ourselves) make a tradition of this practice.

4. Unplug. Designate what we refer to as "sacred time" and create a tech-free zone which will assure you that there will be no interruptions to intimacy. Then, enjoy.

5. Pour a hot bath together. Some delightful ways of spending an evening together don't cost anything. Going into the tub with each other (by candlelight, of course), followed by more candlelight in the bedroom, is sure to enhance the spirit of romance.

6. Serve each other. Take turns being in service to each other. You can bathe each other and wash each other's hair. You could shave his face and he could shave your legs.

7. Feed each other. Agree beforehand to feed each other every forkful of a meal. We know some couples who have done this in restaurants, often to the surprise of other diners. Sit across the corner of the table so you can be close to each other. (Feeding each other also slows down the rate at which you eat, which is a good way to lose weight.)

8. Gaze into each others' eyes. Spend time being connected through your eyes only, without the need to exchange words. While this may seem a bit awkward at first, after a few minutes you'll begin to settle in to the experience and you may begin to experience some surprisingly delightful feelings.

9. Dance in private. After dinner you can listen to music together, and might even want to dance. If you'd prefer privacy, try dancing with your partner in your own living room or bedroom. (Another big advantage of dancing in your own home is that you can take your clothes off. You'll know for sure that you are not roommates or business partners when you're dancing nude!)

10. Give each other massages. Massage is another great way to keep romance alive. You don't need a massage table or fancy scented oils--and you don't have to be a professionally-trained masseuse or masseur to bring a loving touch.

11. Read poetry together. Reading love poems to each other brings sweetness. If you enjoy the exotic, consider poetry from Rumi, Hafiz, or Kabir.

12. Hide love notes for your partner to find. Love notes stuck in books, under plates and pillows, and in the underwear drawer are sure to draw smiles of appreciation.

13. Speak the language of love to each other. Last, but not least, is the way lovers talk romantic talk. It needs to be sincere, intimate, and full of feeling from the heart.

What Kind of Man Should you marry?

Everyone has a different love story. For some, their great love mirrors the movies. For others, love isn't a fairy tale. All love is unique and individualized, and truly amazing.

The kind of man you should marry is someone you're madly in love with. He should be nothing less than amazing. Love and marriage are special, so the man you marry should be, too. You know you've found someone special when you've found the kind of man who has some, all, or most of the qualities on this list.

1. He makes you feel relaxed.
You don't have to be "on" around him. You're able to just be yourself. You're comfortable crying in front of him, yelling in front him, and even having quiet moments. He's seen the good, the bad, the hungover... and he still loves you.

2. He makes you happy.
He makes you smile more than you frown. When you're with him, you're really, really happy. He treats you like a queen and does everything he can to make you happy.

3. You're attracted to him.
You find yourself beyond attracted to him. Sometimes you look at him and you think, "Daaaaamn." He may not be everyone's cup of tea, but to you, he's a god.

4. He's loyal.
Your future husband should be loyal and 400 percent committed to you. He should only have eyes for you. You never have to worry about him being unfaithful, because he's all yours.

5. He's a good listener.
The man you marry should listen to you, and I mean really listen. He should pay attention to what you say. He lets you vent, regardless of the subject. A man who truly loves you cares about what you have to say.

6. He's thoughtful and romantic.
A man who is thoughtful is a keeper. He should show you he's considerate by doing things just to put a smile on your face. He knows it's the little things that count. He does anything he can to make you feel special.

7. He's sweet.
He's kind and loving because he cares about you and your feelings. He's affectionate because he can't help himself. He's sweet to you in private, and of course, in public, too. He can't wait to kiss you each and every morning and night.

8. He appreciates you.
He tells you out of the blue that you look beautiful. He raves to his friends about you because he knows you're special. He knows he's lucky to have you in his life, and he never lets you forget it.

9. He fits into your life.
He spends time with your family and you've gotten to know his. He makes an effort to be present in your life and engages the people you love. He cares about your friends and wants them to like him. He fits into your life perfectly.

10. He's willing to do anything for you. 
He makes sacrifices for you because he knows it will make you happy. He plans things he knows you will enjoy. He's willing to do anything for you, because he loves you.

The man you marry should make you feel grateful and oh so blessed.

Culled from HuffingtonPost

Checkout World highest Paid Superstars 2015 - Forbes

Forbes has just released this year's edition of the paid Superstars of 2015, guess who displace last year top spot earner Queen Bee (Beyonce) . It is the 'money man' Floyd Mayweather, followed by his boxing rival Manny Pacquiao. See top 50 below

1. Floyd Mayweather: $300 million

2. Manny Pacquiao: $160 million

3. Katy Perry: $135 million

4. One Direction: $130 million

5. Howard Stern: $95 million

6. Garth Brooks: $90 million

7. James Patterson: $89 million

8. Robert Downey Jr.: $80 million

9. Taylor Swift: $80 million

10. Cristiano Ronaldo: $79.5 million

However it so surprising neither Beyonce or Jay-Z are anywhere to be found on the top 10. Checkout rest of List Below

11. Rush Limbaugh: $79 million

12. Ellen Degeneres: $75 million

13. Lionel Messi: $74 million

14. The Eagles: $73.5 million

15. Dr. Phil McGraw: $70 million

16. Roger Federer: $67 million

17. Calvin Harris: $66 million

18. LeBron James: $65 million

19. Justin Timberlake: $63.5 million

20. David Copperfield: $63 million

21. Sean Combs: $60 million

21. Gordon Ramsay: $60 million

21. Ryan Seacrest: $60 million

24. Fleetwood Mac: $59.5 million

25. Lady Gaga: $59 million

26. Rolling Stones: $57.5 million

27. Ed Sheeran: $57 million

28. Jay Z: $56 million

29. Beyoncé: $54.5 million

30. Kevin Durant: $52 million

31. Elton John: $53.5 million

32. Toby Keith: $53 million

33. Kim Kardashian: $52.5 million

34. Jennifer Lawrence: $52 million

35. Paul McCartney: $51.5 million

36. Phil Mickelson: $52 million

37. Tiger Woods: $50.5 million

38. Jackie Chan: $50 million

39. Kobe Bryant: $49.5 million

40. Ben Roethlisberger: $49 million

41. Rory McIlroy: $48.5 million

42. Novak Djokovic: $48 million

43. Vin Diesel: $47 million

43. Judy Sheindlin: $47 million

45. Michael Bublé: $45.5 million

46. Gisele Bundchen: $44 million

47. Jason Aldean: $43.5 million

48. Luke Bryan: $42.5 million

49. Kenny Chesney: $42 million

50. Bradley Cooper: $41.5 million

Khloe Kardashian and the hour glass of life

Khloe Kardashian shared a brand-new workout selfie via Instagram on Friday, May 8, with the mission of showing off her super slim waist and enviable curves. Instead, she appeared disproportionately skinny in her body-hugging fitness gear and tummy-tucking corset.

"Early morning sweat and waist snatching session," Kardashian, 30, wrote, alongside a split-screen photo of her bod. In the first pic, the uber blonde reality star hoists up part of her hoodie to reveal the front view of her ever dwindling waist, tucked into the corset, and freakish hourglass figure.

Its a Girl( Princess of Duchess) :- Kate Middleton

Prince William's wife, the Duchess of Cambridge, "was safely delivered of a daughter" Saturday morning, less than three hours of checking into central London's St. Mary's Hospital, royal officials said. Kensington Palace said the baby was born at 8:34 a.m. London time and weighed 8 pounds 3 ounces. -AP

five must-have facts about the Royals.

1. The new Princess of Cambridge is fourth in line to the throne.
2. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's second child is the Queen's fifth great-grandchild and a great-great-great-great-great-grandchild of Queen Victoria.
3. She is the highest ranking female in line to the throne, following the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Cambridge and Prince George.
4. A girl has not been born this high up the line of succession for nearly 65 years. Princess Anne was born third in line in 1950 and rose to second when her mother became Queen and before the birth of Prince Andrew in 1960.
5. Princess Beatrice was born fifth in line in 1988.