10 reason to pick iWatch over Android Watch

The Apple Watch does a lot of the same things as the Android-based watches, such as delivering text messages and notifications and tracking your health.
But there are several fundamental differences in how you actually interact with the Apple Watch compared to other android gadgets such as the Moto 360, LG G Watch R, and other Android Wear watches.
Here's a look at some of the biggest things that make the Apple Watch stand out from the competition.

1. The King : If you buy the Apple Watch Edition, you can use its fancy box as a charger.

2. You can add new bits of Information, to a watch instead of just changing it e.g weather.

3. You can draw a sketch on your watch and immediately send it to another Apple Watch wearer.
4. You can pay with your watch by simply waving your wrist over an NFC payments terminal.
5. Force Touch: You can perform action by pressing hard or softly on the touch screen (i.e. a hard press may launch a menu within the music app etc.).
6.  You can Scroll and zoom using Digital Crown instead of a touch screen.
7. You can send a Vibration to another wearer’s wrist.
8. You can send audio snippets as a reply to a text message
9. You can send your heartbeat to another apple watch wearer.

10. You can View all of your apps on one home screen

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